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HOME > Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Lists > RAGING BATTLE > Power Tool Dragon

Power Tool Dragon Used Deck

Power Tool Dragon
Card Kind Attribute Level Type ATK DEF
Synchro Monster
Effect Monster
- 7 Machine 2300 2500
1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters
Once per turn: You can reveal 3 Equip Spells from your Deck, then your opponent randomly adds 1 of them to your hand, and shuffle the other cards into the Deck. If this card would be destroyed while equipped with an Equip Spell(s), you can send 1 of those cards to the GY instead.
Average Rating Score 8.6(27)
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"Power Tool Dragon" card reviews and rating scores

51% (14)
44% (12)
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japan ねこーら
2022/11/02 0:52
Yugioh Icon
Comprehensive evaluation: The strength is that you can earn an advantage by searching for Equip Spells.
If you can search for an Equip Spell that revives, you can deploy it directly, leading to rank 7.
It is also convenient that there is no specified Synchro Material, even if he needs an Equip Spell, you can put it around his Vylon and search for his Equip Spell to move it.
Ultimaya Tzolkin》can also be used, and you can aim for various moves.
If you search for and equip 《Life Extreme》, you can easily evolve to 《Life Stream Dragon》.
japan みめっと
2022/07/04 18:39
Yugioh Icon
A level 7S monster that is not a signer dragon but a ground machine used by Ryua in the anime 5D's.
A free material EX monster that can be put out with two bodies, an uncertain Equip Spell search effect without a name Turn 1, and even that uncertainty can be confirmed by showing three cards with the same name, so it will be put out as a relay point for future development. It can be said that it is an S monster that has the potential to develop strongly.
After all, the fact that there is no name Turn 1 means that you can get through the obstacles by returning to the EX Deck, summoning a second one, or reviving it, so this is a clear advantage against monsters in recent years. .
I think it's worth keeping an eye out for each new Equip Spell.
japan ジュウテツ
2022/05/23 6:20
Yugioh Icon
Although it is necessary to have 3 Equip Spells in the Deck, I think the effect of being able to simulate Equip Spells is excellent.
If this card is destroyed, I would appreciate the effect of being able to take over the destruction with an Equip Spell.
Candidates for Equip Spell include 《Life Extreme》``Double Tool D&C'', which is similar to the dedicated Equip Spell, and in addition to being stronger in battle, even if you send GY, you can search again with the effect of returning to his Deck. 7301” would be a good candidate.
japan ブルーバード
2022/02/26 11:46
Yugioh Icon
Depending on the environment, a monster that is likely to follow the same fate as the other power dragon.
With the search engine that comes out of EX, Synchro Summoning is easy with Destrudo. This is the card that brings 《Symbol of Heritage》. If you show all three of the same card, it will be a definitive search, and even if one card is missing in the Deck, it is rather preferable because it is in the hand unless it is missing due to restrictions. Currently, Isolderinald's Equip Spell's guaranteed search is the winner, but due to the lack of turn 1 and his Synchro Monster, it can be expected as a combo part that can be deployed from the needle.
In addition, it is a card that is out of print despite its versatility, and it is a card of the leading role.
japan 金平糖
2022/02/01 18:54
Yugioh Icon
☆ 7 Synchro that can search for Equip Spells. I still enter the deck I enter.
Synchro Monster, which has no material restrictions, has a search effect, which is excellent. It's an effect that you can get randomly from 3 cards, but if you use 3 cards, it's ok. If he wants to use this card enough, if he has an Equip Spell, he may be able to stack guns from the edge, so I don't think it will be that much of a problem.
If you have a ☆1 tuner next to you, you can also get Crystal Wings after searching. LP stream? i don't know
japan ホーリーライト
2020/04/07 23:10
Yugioh Icon
Searching for Equip Spell is naturally powerful, but I think it's a Synchro Monster with unexpectedly strict activation conditions.
It's a card that searches for Equip Spells, but although it can't be Normal Summoned, it has the Spell Card's Arms Hole and although it takes time, the Trap Card's Arms Call exists. ....
Speaking of Equip Spell, his ATK 800 increase "United We Stand" that affects your own field is too impressive, and I think it's not a loss because the giant change greatly depends on your opponent's LP. . Others are honest performance. United We Stand is his Equip Spell that was originally banned.
If there are people who do not want to deal with ex-banned cards,
There is a Gemini Monster support card called "Supervise", but this one also has a strong impression of "Gigaplant", and since the monster over there is level 6, naturally it is necessary to adopt a high-level monster.
It's hard to reach the itch, but I want his Equip Spell, which is more powerful than United We Stand, to be fulfilled.
japan 痺れデブ
2019/04/18 22:16
Yugioh Icon
One of the excellent level 7 synchros. As long as you have 3 or more Equip Spells in your Deck, you can search for them. The decks that can be used are limited, but depending on the card pool, you never know when it will be abused. I don't think this card will be the main attacker very often, so the latter effect is just a bonus.
japan シエスタ
2018/06/21 9:14
Yugioh Icon
Since there are no restrictions, it is possible to summon easily if you employ around Destrudo.
It has the effect of searching equipment cards, and compared to Amho, it has a weak point that it is more random, but the advantage is that it can be prepared for EX.
If you fully insert the cards you want to search, the certainty will increase. However, it should be noted that there is a possibility that the Deck balance will be lost.
Furthermore, if you equip an equipment card, you can substitute the equipment when it is destroyed. I can't be overconfident now, though, as there are plenty of removals other than destruction. Where you want to make up for the hole well with equipment.
It's a little unstable, but I think there's a lot of potential for searching for equipment with S, which has no restrictions.
japan なす
2017/08/23 16:11
Yugioh Icon
Equip Spell Search and Level 7 Synchro that prevents his own Equip Spell from being destroyed.
It works well with Decks based on Equip Spells. Morphtronic can search for Double Tool C&D and substitute it.
In addition, if you choose 3 of his powerful Equip Spells with the same name, such as 《United We Stand》, 《Mage Power》, 《Supervise》, you can definitely search.
japan ナナ
2017/05/17 2:55
Yugioh Icon
The monster that Ryūya-kun used in the anime.
Often seen in solitaire decks.
japan かみお
2016/09/01 16:03
Yugioh Icon
Decks that use Equip Spells a lot and also sync are the first candidates. His Equip Spell, which is stacked in 3 stacks, is a strong point that you can definitely bring 1 copy.
How many times have I seen 《United We Stand》×3 or 《Magician's Power》×3?
japan ラーメン
2016/08/31 11:18
Yugioh Icon
Accompanied by Gigapla Solitaire, thanks to this card, the formation of Abyss + Crystal is confirmed with the first two cards, Ronfa and Super.
It's not very versatile, but it's definitely an effect that gives you an advantage, so it's strong when used with a strong deck.
japan 音響Em
2015/12/22 15:59
Yugioh Icon
Normally he doesn't fit in a deck, but depending on the deck he's strong
Hand: Ronfa, Super 2/9 chance to line up 3 of these
japan ファイア野郎
2015/09/13 19:02
Yugioh Icon
A messenger of love and justice used by Ryua.
To awaken as a signer at the very end.
A card that randomly searches for Equip Spells.
While equipping yourself with her Equip Spell that you searched for and gaining destruction resistance
It is very powerful to strengthen,
In addition to Morphtronic, decks with Equip Spell as key cards
It is a piece that can be said to be worth adopting.
The drawback is that it is powerless against removal, bounce, and removal other than destruction.
japan かのん
2015/05/07 22:37
Yugioh Icon
A messenger of love and justice! !
A monster that has the effect of bringing Equip Spell every turn at no cost and has destruction resistance!
Double tools are good, but 《Mage Power》and 《United We Stand》, break draws are good too.
The other day, I managed to get about 12,000 RBIs by uniting with the mage.
japan こまつほうせい
2015/03/13 5:04
Yugioh Icon
Decks that use Equip Spells are pretty useful
Especially good for Morphtronic
japan Freja
2015/03/11 14:09
Yugioh Icon
It's a level 7 Synchro that can search for Equip Spells.
If you can get this guy out, he's worth using in decks with 6 or more Equip Spells.
If you do not choose the same 3 cards, you will get 1 ad for sure, although it is random.
The weak point is that the RBI is low and you can not search unless there are 3 or more Equip Spells remaining in the Deck.
Keep track of how many Equip Spells he has left in his deck
japan ひねもす
2014/12/13 14:44
Yugioh Icon
A card that should always be considered when considering a gimmick with Equip Spell as a key card.
It is good to have the effect of increasing your side's ad with the monster of the extra deck.
japan 未確認非行物体 
2012/11/25 11:05
Yugioh Icon
Oh no, Equip Spell
And there's no hit points...
Ryua and Ryuka: Are you guys really Signers?
By Yamayu
japan ボチヤミサンタイ
2012/10/27 5:14
Yugioh Icon
It looks dull, but the effect is annoying
Earn extras by searching equipment cards, and although ATK isn't high at all, let's strengthen it with the Equip Spell you brought!
In some cases, I'm scared because I won't die like a certain husband
However, no matter how heavily equipped it is, it is powerless to bounce and remove.
japan ホース
2012/10/05 16:52
Yugioh Icon
Looking at the results, if you don't teach him how to fight without equipment, he will be bye-bye with 《Disarmament》or 《System Down》.
2011/11/04 14:16
Yugioh Icon
power tool dragon
japan スクラップトリトドン
2011/05/22 21:29
Yugioh Icon
It was said to be a toy dragon by a monkey somewhere, but it was later cast off.
Since it has two effects related to Equip Spell, it can be used well outside of D, which would normally be included.
The vicarious destruction effect is not to be underestimated, and equipping Gilfer Archfiend can become an invincible wall.
japan とき
2010/08/23 0:37
Yugioh Icon
I've finally evolved into a Signer Dragon! Did it go according to plan or did you remember?
The search effect of Equip Spell and the resistance that uses Equip Spell as a cost create a strong synergy, making it a stubborn monster. Equip Spell's convenience, level, and original image make it particularly useful in his Morphtronic, but he has the ability to use it anywhere in his deck that revolves around Equip Spell.
It overcomes the weakness of the equipment, which is the weakness of Ad and the point of being buried together with the equipped monster. It's still weak against Bounce/Exclusion and Book of Moon, but the latter's high defense is a relief.
Compared to the feel version of the mechanical dragon, the presence of search is still large and the sense of stability is higher. Also, if there is a level 1 tuner, he can cast off to the LP stream, but under the same conditions Crystal Wing (abbreviated)
japan NEOS
2010/08/09 22:07
Yugioh Icon
A card used by Ryua.
I thought the design wasn't very cool at first, but after watching the duel it started to look cool (especially in VS Dimac).
The effect of searching for equipment cards is also surprisingly interesting. The scapegoat effect is also quite troublesome (laughs).
Isn't it a signer dragon? I wonder what that yellow dragon was.
And beyond that...
japan おんぼろ
2010/08/08 23:34
Yugioh Icon
It's not one of the five legendary dragons controlled by Signer. No alias.
This guy isn't very strong on its own, but it's powerful in combination with the equipment card. Being able to equip 《Double Tool C&D》is a plain strength.
Anyway, it's hard and annoying. Let's quickly remove it with Gaius.
japan 愛佳
2024/05/03 0:30
Yugioh Icon

Decks with "Power Tool Dragon"

* is adopted as a key card.

Card Category and Effect Category

Products in Japan

Product No Release Date Rarity
RAGING BATTLE RGBT-JP042 2009-02-14 HolographicUltimateUltra
DUELIST EDITION Volume 3 DE03-JP138 2012-08-11 Ultra
Duelist Pack - Duelist of Brilliant Stones DP27-JP000 2022-05-21 Holographic

Ranking and View Num

Rating Score Rank 2,400 / 12,892 Cards
View Num 106,199
Level 7 Best Monster Ranking 88th


Japanese card name パワー・ツール・ドラゴン

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